A Recent Internet Poll Shows Most UK Small Businesses Do Not Use Blogging

Released on = December 9, 2005, 1:55 pm

Press Release Author = Crusader Marketing

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = During a recent internet poll taken over 75% of UK based
internet companies stated that they did not currently have a blog on their websites

Press Release Body =

A Recent Internet Poll Shows Most UK Businesses Do Not Use Blogging

During a recent internet poll taken over 75% of UK based internet companies stated
that they did not currently have a blog on their websites sites.

The majority of vendors who responded to the survey were themselves small business
owners with fewer than 20 employees. Just over half sold services, as opposed to
products or products coupled with services, and pursued high end sales of �1,800 and

It seems that although over 55 blog sites per minute worldwide are started many of
the UK companies are failing to capitalise on the advantages the blog added to a
site might have.

Blogs are used by many of the USA blue chips in an attempt to better understand
their customers, help with product development and bring special offers to the
customers faster than any of the usual methods employed.

Edward Green of Crusader Marketing a UK based agency helping UK businesses succeed
online says \"a blog is an integral part of a website. You can add Polls to the blog
for customers to complete helping with customer service and the introduction of new
products\". \"We will always insist on the integration of a blog when we are
optimising a client's online website business\". If anyone needs advice on the merits
of operating a blog contact Edward Green at http://www.seo-org.com or 07968 503887.

Most companies now employ a blog as a means to make the online business more real
and friendlier. The customer can leave comments and signup up for special offers
helping the company built a loyal mailing list in the process.

Here are a few tips about blogs:

1. Most high quality Blog software is available free.
2. Wordpress is the most popular Blogging software and is free.
3. Blogging software is available to update the blog with news stories automatically
4. Search Engines love Blogs for interesting relevant content
5. Always use stand alone platform never a blog provider such as Blogger in case
their server crashes.

Edward Green, who writes blog\'s for a number of client sites and conducted the
survey last month, said the results showed the UK Small Business Market was still
lagging behind it\'s US counterparts. For more information contact Edward Green at
www.seo-org.com or 07968 503887

Contact Edward Green for more information regarding this award. Direct line: 07968
503887 Email: edward.green@btinternet.com Other helpful information regarding the
award can be found at: http://www.seo-org.com.

For More Information Contact:

Edward Green

Web Site = http://www.seo-org.com

Contact Details = Edward Green

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